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Unilever sees big hiring changes thanks to online games | Strategy Online

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CPG Connect | Status: is encouraging members to get involved i... Read more
Posted in July
By Jeromy Lloyd

Members of the global online forum The Student Room began chatting last September about strange new online games they had to play to earn interviews for entry-level positions at Unilever. The games were watching them play and churning out personality reports.
James Franko
Posted in May
Great information! Personally, I like retro logic games and they are very good for the brain.
James Franko
Posted in May
It seems to me that students should definitely play logic games to develop logical thinking skills and train their brains, which is very useful in their studies. I suggest you go to the classic minesweeper game site and have a great time. The gameplay of this game is very simple, but the game itself is quite difficult, because you will need to think carefully in order to pass the next level.
fakemisery Fake
Posted in June
It is not that smart to rely on just one company and only one source of income. You need to be flexible and check out different streams like business, investment, etc. Even a lottery game at can become yet another source of making money if you play games wisely. First, you need to register, and then check out what you can do.
Tnfkd Tnfkd
Posted in July
What have you heard about sports research?
Doslkn Doslkn
Posted in July
I heard that sports research helps to build a good business model for starting your own sports betting business. If you want to open your own betting shop, I advise you to learn about the benefits of sports research before doing so. There are so many factors that affect the success of your sports betting business, so I advise you to learn about the benefits of sports research before you start your betting shop
William Byrd
Posted 16 days ago
It’s fascinating how online games are influencing hiring strategies at major companies like Unilever! Gamification is changing the game, not just in entertainment but in recruitment too. It’s like companies are realizing that skills from gaming, like quick decision-making and strategic thinking, are super valuable in the workplace. If you’re into how online platforms are reshaping industries, you might want to check out the best payout online casinos at . It’s cool to see how these trends are crossing over into different fields. What do you think—will more companies start using gaming in their hiring processes?

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