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Reinhart Foods

Company Overview:

We have been in business for over 100 years and are recognized with the food industry (in both domestic and international markets) as a trusted name for quality products and superior service.Our goad is to be a leader in each of the fields that we pursue.

Products/Brands or Clients:

Our goal is to be a leader in each of the fields we pursue. We are a major producer of vinegar and maraschino cherries, and a respected name in the baking ingredient and supply industry, including coconut, glace fruit, dried fruit and pie fillings. Our brands include ALLEN'S, DALTONS and JAFFA

Corporate Culture:

One of our greatest strengths is our people. Our plants are staffed by highly engaged and trained individuals who operate within a non-union, family-like setting in both rural Ontario and Quebec


We are ISO, GSFI and FSSC certified

Company Website:

Company Information:
Industry Food Services 
Location Collingwood, ON, Canada 
# Employees 50 - 199 
Public/Private Privately Owned 

Current Postings:
Position Location Date Posted



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