Manufactured in the purest Mediterranean tradition, this opulent line of yogurts, exclusive to Liberté, is especially popular with gourmets and gourmands.
The fruit is at the bottom, and every gourmand has their own way of doling out the flavour. Méditerranée yogurt is eaten as is, but you can also add fruit to it and use it in cooking. It’s a great favourite among chefs.
Méditerranée yogurt is made from milk and cream. And, yes (we prefer to give you advance warning), its cream content may create a healthy dependency. With a texture that’s the richest and creamiest on the market, this is yogurt at its finest.
Probiotic like most of our yogurts, this one is exceptionally creamy and has 7 to 10% fat. It contains neither gelatine, nor sugar substitutes.
Liberté Organic
We know a thing or two about organic dairy products. In fact, Liberté was one of the pioneers in this field in Canada. All of our products are made with care and use only ingredients that belong in a yogurt: milk and fruit. It was only natural that we would stay true to our mission by purchasing local organic milk.
This line offers organic products made with milk and fruit that are certified free of pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers, according to the rigorous standards of Québec Vrai. It has 2% to 2.5% fat, contains live probiotic bacteria and is made without gelatine, sugar substitutes and preservatives. Plain 2.5% organic yogurt is the best selling fresh milk product in Canada!