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Left Field Foods

Company Overview:

Left Field Foods is a rapidly growing and innovation hungry better-for-you snack company.We are located in Calgary and only an hour from the majestic Rocky Mountains. This successful Canadian company is expanding from it’s local entrepreneurial roots to become a powerful North American company by helping savvy snackers with great tasting better-for-you snacking solutions.

Great taste from the ground up is what we stand for, what we are doing, and where we are going. We have savvy private equity backers with great energy, vision, and passion to help the company achieve our highest potential. While the company has been around for +15 years and has a solid foundation from our grass-roots as a local savvy entrepreneur, we are operating with the speed and agility of a high-tech startup. We are helping savvy snackers eat better and feel better, today and tomorrow, with great taste from the ground up.

Products/Brands or Clients:

We supply major retailers from coast to coast with local Canadian-made better-for-you snacks. We work with major distributors so that our products are accessible any size retailer in any location.

Corporate Culture:

While the company has been around for +15 years and has a solid foundation from our grass-roots as a local savvy entrepreneur, we are operating with the speed and agility of a high-tech startup.


Our manufacturing plant operates at a world-class level of quality and food safety. We have achieved the highest standard set out by GFSI in our attainment of an “A” rating when audited by BRC food safety and quality auditors. The Canadian Celiac Association has recognizes our Certified Gluten-free achievement.

Company Website:

Company Information:
Industry Packaged Goods 
Location Calgary, AB, Canada 
# Employees 11 - 49 
Public/Private Privately Owned 

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