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Global Appetite

Company Overview:

Global Appetite is a full service sales and consulting agency specializing in the development, import, export and ongoing retail management of food products. We help our clients cultivate new opportunities and provide turnkey solutions for brands seeking a presence within the dynamic and culturally diverse Canadian marketplace.

Along with our national sales reach, we develop cutting edge consumer communication strategies with expertise in the Specialty and Ethnic Aisle. Global Appetite has successfully made Canada home to some of the world's leading brands.

Products/Brands or Clients:

Maggi, Milo, Rowntree, Bauli, Lotte, Al Safa, Motta, Domti, Bistefani, Doria

Corporate Culture:
Company Website:

Company Information:
Industry Packaged Goods 
Location Mississauga, ON, Canada 
# Employees 11 - 49 
Public/Private Privately Owned 

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