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Prospect Media Inc.

Company Overview:

Prospect Media offers a comprehensive range of targeted marketing programs. We have the ability to reach consumers at home, at work, or on the move. With unique and innovative concepts we respond with options that will help you reduce cost, increase sales and reach your optimal customers.

Products/Brands or Clients:

Our products include; Door Hang Cards and Bags, NewspaperPolybags, Bellybands and Tag Alongs, Event and Venue Sampling as well astargeted flyer delivery.

Corporate Culture:

Our Mission Statement:

  • To be the most innovative provider of targeted marketing services in Canada
  • To provide a diversified portfolio of unique, creative and effective advertising and sampling products
  • To consistently strive for client satisfaction and improved performance in all aspects of our programs
  • To ensure all of our programs meet the highest quality and delivery standards
  • To foster a positive working environment where employees can learn, grow and be rewarded through career advancement
Company Website:

Company Information:
Industry Advertising/Marketing 
Location Toronto, ON, Canada 
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